Research Interests

Study of Air Pollution in Several Cities of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (a lecture on air pollution in Jeddah was performed in King Fahad Hospital as part of the activities of the Saudi Environment Society).

 The use software programs to design mathematical models that can be utilized to calculate the amounts of emitted pollutants from various sources and to monitor their movement and distribution.

 Environmental awareness among the public, which is a cornerstone in realizing public health (planning to issue a book in this concern very soon). Also participated in a broadcasted episode about this matter (1999).

 Islam and Environment. A lecture was performed publicly in the University (1999), entitled “Environment Conservation: A Religious and National Obligation”.

Also participated in a public symposium in the university in the same year,
entitled “Man and the Environment”.

 Environmental Impact Assessment of air pollutants.

Last Update
12/21/2008 8:12:08 PM